Meet the 2017 Winners

Photo credits: Gregg Richards, Diana Vozza
They sang the praises of the kids, their hard work and creative spirit.

Lisa Rosenblum, Brooklyn Public Library Chief Librarian

Sean Qualls, Guest Artist

Paul King, Executive Director, Office of the Arts and Special Projects, NYC Dept. of Education
Take a Peak Inside the 2017 City Winners
Click an image to view a galleryAmber Siurano
(Grade 4)
Elizabeth Abramowitz
(Grade 6)
Jennifer Huang
(Grade 12)
Amber Siurano
(Grade 4)

Elizabeth Abramowitz
(Grade 6)

Jennifer Huang
(Grade 12)

Awards Ceremony Photo Gallery
There was plenty of pride to go around onstage and in the audience, as students, teachers, families and special guests celebrated at Brooklyn Public Library’s Central Library.